Tuesday 1 February 2011

Target Audience Research


To find out what type of film to create and show to our target audience of teenagers between 16 and 25, we created a questionair to hand out to variouse people between this age. The questionaire was aimed to find out about there livelyhood such as shops, films and general lifestyle.
here are some examples of questions used:

-What is your favourite horror film?
-Who is your favourite character from a horror film?
-How often do you go to the cinema's in a month?
-When you go to the cinema's who do you go with?
-How many dvd's do you buy or download a month?
-When you go to then cinema's what genre film do you go to watch?
-What music genre do you prefer to listen to?
-What shops do you prefer to buy your clothes from?

Monday 31 January 2011

Camera Shot Techniques

The 180 degree rule

This camera shot influence's how the characters in the scene either stay left or right so it looks correct to the audience.  The axis line going through the subjects can only be crossed when the camera pans over the axis. From this the characters have changes sides and the axis line can only be crossed again via a pan to show that there back to there originals sides again.

Match on action

Match on action is when something happens then the same action happens but from a different angle, possibly to show a reaction. This is a example of continuity editing.

Shot reverse shot

This shot shows a character looking at another character, then the other character is shown looking at the first. This is because the characters are shown facing opposite directions the viewer assumes there facing the each other.

Sunday 30 January 2011

My favourite Director - Steven Spielberg

 One of the most influential film personalities in the history of film, Steven Spielberg is perhaps Hollywood's best known director and one of the wealthiest filmmakers in the world.

Born December 18th 1946 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA he has also won 3 Oscars and winning 115 awards and 79 nominations.
Steven Spielberg has directed,written and even acted in over 250 films. He is best known for such films as:-
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jaws (1975)
War of the Worlds (2005)
A.I (2001)

Wednesday 12 January 2011

First training film

Monday 10th January
First camera training

 My group and I, "yee productions" produced a simple clip of a person upset about there phone. We learnt how to give the audience clues into understanding what emotions are being expressed in the film clip. I now know that i will be in control of the camera in the horror film project.

Becoming used to using the camera was tricky as the camera was digital however used tape. This meant that doing a scene wrong meant you could not delete it but you had to rewind to a correct point to re-do the take. Becoming more familiar with the camera will help to produce a better end project.

I learnt that when i use the camera to make sure that I'm not always standing. "Take the camera to the action" I was told. After a first attempt and review of our simple clip, we had a second go at producing a better clip. Simple changes such as ' wiping you eyes' to show your upset, made a big difference to the end product.